

日本語と英語の同じ諺(ことわざ)比較一覧100種類|有名なことわざ厳選 国語
日本のことわざ 英語のことわざ
51 転ばぬ先の杖 Look before you leap.
52 鉄は熱いうちに打て Strike while the iron is hot.
53 ちりも積もれば山となる Little and often fills the purse.
54 習うより慣れろ Custom makes all things easy.
55 悪銭身に付かず All roads lead to Rome.
56 覆水盆に返らず It Is No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk.
57 笑いは百薬の長 Laughter Is The Best Medicine.
58 住めば都 Home is where you make it.
59 火のない所に煙は立たぬ Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
60 情けは人のためならず One good turn deserves another.
61 人事を尽くして天命を待つ Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.
62 失敗は成功のもと Failure teaches success.
63 能ある鷹は爪を隠す Clever Hawks Conceal Their Claws.
64 隣の芝生は青い The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence.
65 血は水よりも濃い Blood Is Thicker Than Water.
66 猿も木から落ちる Even Monkeys Sometimes Fall Off A Tree.
67 今日できることを明日に延ばすな Never Put Off Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today.
68 雀百まで踊り忘れず What the colt learns in youth he continues in old age.
69 空腹は最高の調味料 Hunger Is The Best Sause.
70 早起きは三文の徳 The early bird catches a worm.
71 自業自得 You must reap what you have sown.
72 亀の甲より年の功 Years bring wisdom.
73 蓼(たで)食う虫も好き好き There is no accounting for tastes.
74 好きこそものの上手なれ Nothing is hard to a willing mind.
75 三人寄れば文殊の知恵 Two heads are better than one.


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